Как стать трейдером? Форум Деньги

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Пользователь: eeaassyy(bidoffer) (IP-адрес скрыт)
Дата: 10.09.2007 10:39

Equities: Since 1984, on the first rate cut equities have rallied 100% of the time over the following month but 80% of the time over the following 12 months (the exception being 2001). Hong Kong (with a dollar peg) normally outperforms and does not look expensive. The issue is that the size of the rate cut currently being discounted (75bp by year-end) has only happened during a recession or the LTCM crisis. Hence, as in 1998 we believe it might require 50bp rather than 25bp to galvanise equities and offset worse US economic newsflow..

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  во чо прислали eeaassyy(bidoffer) 603 10.09.2007 10:39
  И чего?(-) Kay 204 10.09.2007 11:27
  как чево? eeaassyy(bidoffer) 319 10.09.2007 11:36
  Re:а логика где? если б все так просто было(-) Чапаев 217 10.09.2007 11:53
  как где логика? eeaassyy(bidoffer) 308 10.09.2007 12:01
  Re: вскрытие покажет(-) Чапаев 203 10.09.2007 13:39

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