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американская стратегия по отношению к Рашше и Кетаю... (+) url
Пользователь: К. Белибердин (IP-адрес скрыт)
Дата: 28.08.2021 19:34

...аффтар делает вывод, что переманить на свою сторону Китай или Россию США не смогут... устроить "концерт держав" также не получится... но нужно использовать усиливающийся страх России перед ростом могущества Китая и попадания России в зависимость от Китая, чтобы Россия сама побежала за помощью на Запад... ну, а пока дрючить Рашшу Украиной...


There is, however, one force that could change this pattern and spur a moment of creativity in international alignments: fear. Historically, fear of a rising power has been, far and away, the primary motivation for states to realign their priorities. Advocates of détente with Russia (option 1) are correct to see that that country is likely to be more subject to the effects of fear, due to its weaker power position. To date, Russia’s willingness to cooperate with rather than counterbalance China has coincided with Beijing’s pursuit of a “hide-and-bide” foreign policy. But as China converts its growing economic heft into greater military power and political influence, Russia’s fear of subordination to China will inevitably grow.

From an American strategic perspective, the big question is: when will that occur? Advocates of deferring competition with China (option 2) are right that that country has not yet realized its full military potential. This creates a window of opportunity for U.S. diplomacy to effect permutations that would place us in a more favorable position. At the same time, we cannot let up our military guard in the western Pacific during this period, as such an alleviation could tempt the Chinese to attempt a break-out now—by, say, trying to grab Taiwan—before the United States can realize the force upgrades envisioned under the NDS. Thus, America needs Russia’s fear of China to mature on a faster timeline than China’s aspirations for meeting key military capability targets vis-à-vis the United States can be realized.

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