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До 20 задержанных за "захват Капитолия" отпущены просто так
Пользователь: ПетрС (IP-адрес скрыт)
Дата: 16.06.2021 23:19

Кто-то в Штатах начал что-то подозревать. Особенно после того, как оказалось что из 14 человек, типа пытавшихся украсть губернатора Мичигана, уж 5 были из ФБР. Причем некоторые оказались в числе организаторов, когда и планов-то таких не было...

""We know that the government is hiding the identity of many law enforcement officers that were present at the Capitol on January 6th, not just the one that killed Ashli Babbitt. According to the government's own court filing, those law enforcement officers participated in the riot - sometimes in violent ways. We know that because without fail, the government has thrown the book at most people who were present at the Capitol on Jan. 6. There was a nationwide dragnet to find them - and many are still in solitary confinement tonight. But strangely, some of the key people who participated on Jan. 6 have not been charged."

Look at the documents, the government calls those people 'unindicted co-conspirators.' What does that mean? Well it means that in potentially every case they were FBI operatives... in the Capitol, on January 6th."

Ну очень длинный текст [www.revolver.news]

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  До 20 задержанных за "захват Капитолия" отпущены просто так ПетрС 193 16.06.2021 23:19

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