Как стать трейдером? Форум Деньги

2qxr: А у нас любой может выйти на Кpаснyю плoщадь и крикнуть: долой Бyша!
Пользователь: aux88 (IP-адрес скрыт)
Дата: 09.11.2011 23:37


If safety is your prime concern then it would be wise for travellers to avoid the US at this time and to look to safer locales such as China, Russia, or Mexico where your chance of being abducted is significantly lower and if you are abducted, your chances of having a really fun time while being held hostage are markedly higher as hostages held in one Acapulco location can assuredly attest.

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  2qxr: А у нас любой может выйти на Кpаснyю плoщадь и крикнуть: долой Бyша! aux88 313 09.11.2011 23:37

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