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"Is A Mortal Who Is Over His Head"
Пользователь: qxr1011 (IP-адрес скрыт)
Дата: 12.09.2011 20:28

“Barack Obama is no Harry Truman.

It’s not that complicated.

Obama is over his head. He is a great orator. He came out of nowhere. He dazzled America.

He'd never run anything. He'd never actually enacted anything even in the legislature. He hadn’t run a state. He hadn’t run a city. He hadn’t run a business.

He's running the biggest enterprise in the world, and he has not succeeded.

And that's why all these independents, all those who believed in him, who believed in the soaring rhetoric, including I would probably add a couple who swooned in the aisles as he spoke in 2008, are now waking up and realizing he is a mortal who is over his head."

Charles Krauthammer...


The day will come !

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  "Is A Mortal Who Is Over His Head" qxr1011 279 12.09.2011 20:28

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