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лорд по ходу обкурился.. u (+)
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Дата: 02.08.2011 12:27

Лондон уже об этом офицьяльно заявлял..

The UK government will not take up the apparent offer of billions of interest-free pounds
from a mysterious organisation called Foundation X, a Treasury spokesperson told ZDNet UK on Friday.

мы, говорит правительство, на всякую хуйню в виде денег не ведёмся..

"At no point has Lord Sassoon, or any Treasury officials, held any meetings with Lord James of Blackheath
or any organisation that he mentions on this subject," the spokesperson added.

и лорда Джеймса, говорит, уже как с неделю не видели..

Many have suggested Lord James has been taken in by an elaborate scam, perhaps involving the so-called
Office of International Treasury Control, but the peer is adamant that this is not the case.

а люди говорят этого лорда Джеймса просто видать цыгане у вокзала на бабки развели..

In his speech on Monday, Lord James also said he had "managed to write off more than 1 billion"
of the IRA's money in his City work for the government.
However, he later explained that this had been at the behest of the Bank of England,
and he was "a money washer, not a money launderer".

да лорд и сам позже признался: запизделся, говорит, я чутка..

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  Любопытная статья про бритов aux88 344 02.08.2011 11:32
  лорд по ходу обкурился.. u (+) id 200 02.08.2011 12:27

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