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все таки Пахлави, пардон, пальцем деланный был... (+)
Пользователь: К. Белибердин (IP-адрес скрыт)
Дата: 03.04.2007 12:40

...сравните кукольную индустриализацию с зажатием политики...

Mohammad Reza Pahlavi returned to power greatly strengthened and his rule became increasingly autocratic in the following years. With strong support from the US and UK, the Shah further modernized Iranian industry, but simultaneously crushed all forms of political opposition with his intelligence agency, SAVAK.
Wiki Iran

...с комплексной модернизацией по Мацухито за 100 лет до тохо...

The Osaka Conference in 1875 resulted in the reorganization of government with an independent judiciary and an appointed Council of Elders (Genronin) tasked with reviewing proposals for a legislature. The emperor declared that "constitutional government shall be established in gradual stages" as he ordered the Council of Elders to draft a constitution.

Three years later, the Conference of Prefectural Governors established elected prefectural assemblies. Although limited in their authority, these assemblies represented a move in the direction of representative government at the national level, and by 1880 assemblies also had been formed in villages and towns. In 1880 delegates from twenty-four prefectures held a national convention to establish the Kokkai Kisei Domei (League for Establishing a National Assembly).
Wiki Meiji era

...имхо, были бы у Пахлави яйца и голова по-крепче, все могло бы быть иначе... впрочем, говорить об истории в сослагательном наклонении... тем более нефтегазовые интересы...

...интересен еще тот факт, что пиндосы одной рукой кормили Пахлави, а другой - двигали Хомейни...

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  Иран Smith 799 03.04.2007 11:21
  все таки Пахлави, пардон, пальцем деланный был... (+) К. Белибердин 502 03.04.2007 12:40

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